Aru Shah and the End of Time

Aru and Mini are on an adventure to save the world after Aru let out a demon called the ‘Sleeper.’ They have to find 3 keys so they can get Celestial Weapons so they can defeat him.

They soon found them all, The sprig of youth, the bite of adulthood, and the sip of old age. They used these keys to get to the underworld. On the Bridge of Forgetting, Mini and Aru were told they had to lose all their memories to cross.

Shakua, the guardian, told them his story. When he was born, he was said to be ugly. He ruled his kingdom in the shadows. But when he was marrying, his wife loved him so much, that every day he grew more beautiful.

But he soon grew impatient that she was getting more beautiful than him and asked if she still loved him. She told him that she couldn’t love someone she didn’t know anymore, and he killed her. Aru had an idea to save her and Mini from losing all their memories. She threw the ball at the 5 mirrors that reminded him of his past, and the memory-stealing snow took them.

He placed a curse on Aru before they left. They are now in a demon whale’s mouth, trying to figure out how to escape and the weapons.

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